
Top Floor offers customized support for all its products. Registered users can use the following form to access support for their products.

This support currently includes a bulletin board system into which you enter your concern, and later receive an answer. This creates, in effect, a frequently asked questions database, in which you can see both the questions and answers submitted by all partisipants.

The latest release of each software package is available here together with a list of current enhancements and the bug fixes we are working on. Useful ancillary files are also made available here. These could include expanded help files or documentation pages or updated lookup tables.

If you are feeling particularly frustrated, and would like to use some colourful language, E-mail targeted for the support of your product is also available from these pages.

Finally, you can also use the generic e-mail of to contact our support staff. If you are a registered user of our products we encourage you to visit the uniquely helpful support, pages even if just to browse.

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